Nikola Arsić

Hello there! I'm Nikola Arsić Arsa, Informatics, and Computer Science graduate and an experienced developer with a broad skill set. Born in Austria and now residing in Belgrade, my international background enhances my work as I comfortably interact in Serbian, English, and German.

My deep passion for coding has led me to noteworthy competitive programming achievements. With five first-place victories and two third-place finishes in the nine Hackathons I've participated in, these awards are a testament to my problem-solving prowess, creativity, and unwavering dedication in the tech arena.

Central to my professional journey is my comprehensive expertise in product development and placement. Over the years, I've honed my skills in creating, optimizing, and marketing tech solutions that align perfectly with user needs and provide outstanding performance. Further complementing this, my adeptness in SEO optimization maximizes the digital visibility and engagement of these projects, leading to an enriched user experience.

In my main role as a Senior Frontend Developer at Ikor GmbH, I persistently strive for excellence, simultaneously embracing my entrepreneurial spirit as a co-founder of CarPort and Lead Developer at MacoDental Tourism. This entrepreneurial path fuels my longstanding interest in start-ups and showcases my capability to manage demanding roles with agility and precision expertly.

In addition to this, I am also offering consulting services in product development and placement. With my in-depth knowledge and years of experience, I am uniquely positioned to guide other businesses to successfully develop, place, and market their own tech products.

Away from the tech world, my interests are as diverse as they are engaging. I'm an avid traveler, sports enthusiast, and gaming fan. To unwind, I indulge in my love for movies, TV series, and theatre performances.

Come join me, Nikola Arsić Arsa, as I navigate through the tech landscape, apply my entrepreneurial insights, and savor life's pleasures. Whether crafting innovative solutions, consulting on product placement, or simply enjoying a good movie, my journey is a blend of technical proficiency, entrepreneurial drive, and a spirited zest for life.